School Attendance
South Carolina Compulsory Attendance Law
SC Code of Law 59-65-10 - “South Carolina Compulsory Attendance Law requires that a parent or guardian shall require his child to attend regularly a public or private school or kindergarten of this State which has been approved by the State Board of Education, a member school of the South Carolina Independent Schools and Association, a member school of the South Carolina Association of Christian Schools, or some similar organization, or a parochial, denominational, or church-related school, or other programs which have been approved by the State Board of Education from the school year in which the child is five years of age before September first until the child attains his seventeenth birthday or graduates from high school.”
A child age 6 to 17 years meets the definition of a truant when the child has three consecutive unlawful absences or a total of five unlawful absences.
Habitual Truant
Habitual Truant is a child ages 12 to 17 years who fails to comply with the intervention plan developed by the school, the child, and the parent(s) or guardian(s) and who accumulates two or more additional unlawful absences. This child may need a truancy petition filed with the Family Court.
Chronic Truant
Chronic Truant is when a child ages 12 to 17 has been through the school intervention process, has reached the level of a habitual truant, has been referred to Family Court and placed on an order to attend school, and continues to accumulate unlawful absences. Should other community alternatives and referrals fail to remedy the attendance problem, the "chronic" truant child may be referred to the Family Court for violation of a previous court order.
Student Absences and Excuses
Elementary and Middle School Student Attendance
School officials must take immediate steps to intervene whenever a student has three consecutive or five total days of unlawful absences.
If school officials are unable to get the student back in school on a regular basis, the student may be referred to a truancy intervention team and or DSS. As the result of any absence, a parent conference may be required at the discretion of the administration.
Secondary Student Attendance