EDPlan is the state's online platform for special education (IEP) records.
Link: EDPlan for Greenwood 50 can be accessed via the following link:
Login: EDPlan was launched in July 2024. The state imported a list of users from PowerSchool from the 23-24 school year. These users received an automated message from EDPlan with login instructions.
A document detailing the login process can be accessed below:
User Types: There are various levels of access and user types for EDPlan. The default user type for district staff is read-only and allows you to view IEPs for students only if a special educator has added you as a Team Member for that student. There are also Administrator user types that allow you to view IEP records on students for your assigned school(s).
Some users (those not in the initial import) will need to be manually entered into EDPlan. And some users will need changes to their user types or school assignments. If you need help with logging into EDPlan or need updated user permissions, please use the form below to request assistance:
Enrich IEP: IEP records were formerly housed in Enrich IEP and will continue to be accessible with read-only access for the first few months of the 24-25 school year.
Enrich can be accessed with this link: https://greenwood50.enrichcloudsc.com/
Enrich user permissions are set based on your role. Teachers can only view IEP records on students who are assigned to their classes in PowerSchool.
Confidentiality: Everyone is reminded that IEPs and other educational student records are protected under FERPA and should be handled with confidentiality and professionalism. Any concerns or questions should be addressed to your administration.