Translation/Interpretation Services » Student Interpreter Program

Student Interpreter Program

(for Greenwood 50 High School Students)


The Student Interpreter Program exists to provide an opportunity for students to gain real-world oral interpreting experience while providing a much-appreciated service to the community.


Emerald HS Student Interpreters 

Club Sponsor Mr. Dennis Phillip

 Greenwood HS Student Interpreters

Monthly meeting (Club Sponsor- Mrs. McKitrick). 


 Our student-interpreters in action:
 Yajaira Ramirez (Emerald HS) translating for a Lakeview ES parent at the orientation in August.
Ruby Serrano (Greenwood HS) working with a family at the Open House
Former EL & ACTS, bilingual GHS student interpreter, America Gamiz-Unzueta, reading Martina, the Beautiful Cockroach book to ACTS students at WFD.
Bilingual Interpreters helping with Family literacy night for Lakeview and Merrywood families at Greenwood Museum

ACCESS Motivational Video  from Jessica Duran


For more information about Gwd50 Student Interpreter Program please contact Mrs. Alla Polatty


Gwd50 Student Interpreter Program