Surplus Property
Property for Sale
Greenwood District 50 is providing notice according to the 2023-2024 - Budget Proviso 1.94 (Surplus Property):
1.94. (SDE: Surplus Property) A school district must transfer, or offer for sale or lease, any surplus real property or property which has been vacant, unused, or unused for direct student instruction for the previous four school years and is not currently included in any district capital improvement plan for future use on or before July 1, 2023. All school districts must publish on their website by September 15, 2023, a list of properties that qualify under this provision.
A school district shall comply with the requirements of this provision by transferring such property to another governmental subdivision or state agency that has provided written confirmation of an intent to accept the property for public use by December 31, 2023. Any governmental subdivision or state agency providing such written confirmation must comply with all requirements related to the acquisition of real property or surplus property, and/or requirements related to the establishment of permanent improvement projects prior to accepting property transferred pursuant to this provision.
A school district shall comply with the requirements of this provision by transferring such property to another governmental subdivision or state agency that has provided written confirmation of an intent to accept the property for public use by December 31, 2023. Any governmental subdivision or state agency providing such written confirmation must comply with all requirements related to the acquisition of real property or surplus property, and/or requirements related to the establishment of permanent improvement projects prior to accepting property transferred pursuant to this provision.
The Property below owned by Greenwood County School District 50 that have been deemed surplus and is now available for purchase.
Please contact Shealyn Barnes, Director of Procurement at 864-941-5793 for more information.
804 Gage Street